Yvonne Bobo is an artist & sculptor based in Memphis, Tennessee

The intricate geometries and cycles of nature can be seen as corollaries to our own lives and processes. The unmediated, constantly evolving world we might normally overlook can suggest our own personal struggles of creation, destruction, survival, mutation, dormancy and, ultimately, transformation.

The inspiration usually starts with some inner resonance to these common tableaus:

I find a maple seed, and carry it with me until I crush it in my pocket. I work to recreate the magic of the maple seed’s one winged flight, tiny helicopters floating in the spring air. Honestly, I want to capture that first delight of discovery when I was a child playing in the yard. Engineering magic with the rudimentary tools in my shop requires great ingenuity and stubbornness. Revelation occurs.

Materials and methods are incidental, but I've found that my reverence and awe for nature and the secrets she reveals is inescapable.

Image Shot at Buvette

In addition to her commercial work, she’s also currently documenting traditional food preparation techniques in Sardinia for a forthcoming book to be published by Maginot Press.